Never Believe in " Oral Promise "
Oral Promise of ancient people
worth 10 million pieces of genuine gold.
Modern people's oral promises
are vicious and dangerous.
~ Disaster ! ~
Case one 1)
Lovers fall in love always :
Promise to offer luxury living after get married.
Promise to love each other the whole life.
Promise to support each other no matter how hard
life they encounter.
Promise to love families of both sides.
Promise to work hard to earn family living.
Promise to respect each other always.
Promise never change their mind.
Case two 2)
Colleague needs an urgent aid of
Cash and make a sincere plea ....
Normally some other peer will give aid and
Because they trust .....
Colleague ( peer )
Borrowed NT$ 3,000 ( US$100)
for the first time (without writing an IOU)
Borrow NT$10,000 ( app US$300 )
for the second time (no IOU required)
The third time
he borrowed another NT$30,000 ( US$1,000)
and the borrower strongly promised he will return
all debt together at a time ( very soon ).
Because both sides worked for the same company,
the colleague ( debit ) was not required to write
an IOU either.
Result :
The debit side colleague suddenly resigned next month , disappeared and moved home too.
Case three 3) Classmates
A was born in a rich family and went abroad
studying in U.K. since 14 years old.
B was A's classmate of junior high school before
A went overseas.
Both have kept contacting ......
After some years, both grew up and finished
study. A got master degree and back to his
country. B got bachelor degree locally.
A took over one of his father's companies.
B joined A's team to be a manager position.
B promised again and again :
he will be faithful to A for the whole life.
Result was : B privately requested rebate
from the sub-contact smaller supplier factories.
So ..... B is affordable for his luxury car,
his kids fee for piano, violin learning,
the charge of oversea vacation
of his whole family once or twice a year
by rebates ( under table ) .
Still B is working for A.
A did not alert a bit ........
Maybe A will be cheated for his whole life.
Never trust friends, nor classmates' promise
Watch out !
Bad guy is by your side. 💀👻
Possibly the one that you trust most !
Are you afraid of giving up an ex ?
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