
Did You Ever Regret That You Loved Someone ? ( a Miserable Real Story )

Did You Ever Regret        That You Loved Someone ?          (  a Miserable Real Story    😭😭 )      Once Upon a Broken Heart !           How to Remedy Your Broken Heart  ?                                                         😓😖 Were you ever heartbroken  ?   Please raise your hand  !       ✋✋✋✋ After reading this ~ You change yourself  at all.    ✌👸👸💪💪💪 ------------------------------------------------ Did You Ever Think   ?   Was  Angela Merkel ( Germany ) ever a lovelorn ?  Was  Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton  ( U.S.A . ) ever a lovelorn ?  Was  Jacinda Ardern  ( N.Z.   )  ever a lovelorn ?  Was  Erna Solberg  ( Norway ) ever a lovelorn ?  Was  Ewa Kopacz ( Poland ) ever a lovelorn ?  Was Taylor Swift  ( U.S.A. )  ever a lovelorn ?    LOOK  AT  THEM   !     They ARE so outstanding female leaders of the world .   Rebuild Your Bright Beginning   : Was  Diana, Princess of Wales ( U.K.

Never Believe in " Oral Promise "

  Oral Promise of ancient people         worth 10 million pieces of genuine  gold. Modern people 's oral promises         are vicious and dangerous.         ~ Disaster ! ~  Case one 1)  Lovers fall in love always  :   Promise to offer luxury living after get married. Promise to love each other the whole life. Promise to support each other no matter how hard life they encounter. Promise to love families of both sides. Promise to work hard to earn family living. Promise to respect each other always. Promise never change their mind.  😁😂😓😡😩😭😭😭 -------------------------- Case two 2)   Colleague needs an urgent aid of money. Cash and make a sincere plea ....  Normally some other peer will give aid and  Because they trust ..... -------------------------------------------- Colleague ( peer )  Borrowed  NT$ 3,000 ( US$100)       for the first time (without writing an IOU)  Borrow NT$10,000 ( app US$300 )        for the second time  (no IOU required)  The third time   he borrowed

Have Pretty Face Skin ( Cure Your Face Zits/Acne )( Herbs Medicine )

  Many Young People Do not be Fond of  ONLY because There Are Zits/Acne on Their Face.  Pronunciation :    Qingshang Fangfeng Soup   👄👄👄 清上防風湯 防風 連翹 白芷 桔梗 黃芩 川芎 黃連 荊芥 梔子 枳殼 薄荷 甘草 [Preparation method and dosage] windproof Forsythia Angelica dahurica Platycodon skullcap Chuanxiong Coptis chinensis Nepeta Gardenia Citrus aurantium Mint Licorice Indications: Disperse heat, detoxify and detoxify. Clear away the scorched fire, treat the head and face, and treat sores, boils, and wind-heat poison. Used for boils, boils, and facial <acne> on the head and face Case number one :  My friend’s daughter was a college beauty Many male college students pursued One day acne emerged on her face . Using lemon to deal with zits so caused face skin severe inflammation Her Whole face red and swollen.     M iserable !  Case number two  :  My friend’s son has a good academic background He has good abilities, but after making date with several girlfriends Because acne on his face was so scary Girlfri

Natural Soup Therapy Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Lovelorn ( Gan Mai Da Zao )

Gan Mai Da Zao Soup   😂😍💪💪  :  This simple recipe is a natural medicine soup   very  helpful to those who are suffering from depression,  insomnia, anxiety,😓 lovelorn, spiritual  pain,😢😢😨 autonomic nervous system disorder.                           a bit natural sweetness               drink smoothly ~ NICE Materials  :  10g  Licorice  10g  Red Jujube    ( Cut open by knife before cooking )  20g  Wheat  Ratio =  1 : 1: 2   It is easy to buy these at Herb Medicine Shop      Thoroughly clean above dried      materials  3 times.       ------------------- Water   : Filtered clean water 4 rice bowls soak cleaned materials 15~20 minutes   for convenience cooking. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Rice Bowls of  filtered clean water      cook left 2 Bowls to drink           Soak clean water + clean materials                      together boiled : (  after water boiled     turned to small heat fire   ....... >    boiled till 1/2 Soup Le

Are you afraid of giving up an ex ? ( Once Upon a Broken Heart !) 

Are you afraid of giving up an ex  ?  ( Once Upon a Broken Heart !)   Not be afraid of giving up an EX !              Make a wise decision of your life !   🙆 A boy A has been fond of a pretty girl for years.   💑💖 ( We called her girl A ). He did not have courage to confess until 2 years later. He bought a delicate necklace to present to that girl &  said " would you be my girlfriend " ?  That girl did not truly love him but accepted to have date with him for some days. After 3 months,  he felt that girl's coldness & never did she concentrate on him.  He was disappointed & had to give up this un true love affair.  So they both say goodbye to each other. Girl A was easy to leave but boy A was sad & heartbroken.   👧😄😜  👦😕😭😭❓ Boy A needed time to recover !  2 years later,  he suddenly met another girl B who were his style .   He was so excited to love her, dated with her , had dinner with  mutual parents for years.    Then,  boy A & girl B we

How to Identify an Abusive Lover ? Smart Crime ( Violent Love -- A Congresswoman Was Beaten by Her Boyfriend )

Smart Crime ~ Intelligent Cheating        Violent Love !          💀👹👻👽😨😱😭😭😭 How to Identify an Abusive Lover ? A congress famous woman ( of Asia )     was violently beaten by her boyfriend . Female : Graduated from the best university.              Ever a Top student in university.               Very Pretty Face .               Ever a President of University Students               Union ( council ).              Single.                     Male    : Tall and handsome.              Eloquence.              PhD candidate (different university).              Single.  After being injured,  she was almost hurt to death, was forced to answer and was forced to  record, if she did not answer, she would be subjected to his violence. The so-called "confession" document was signed under his duress. And her boyfriend also took intimate photos to threaten her. He beat her violently, choked her throat, and dragged her, 💀😱😲😭 causing multiple green purple swollen b lood stasis co