Have Pretty Face Skin ( Cure Your Face Zits/Acne )( Herbs Medicine )
Many Young People Do not be Fond of ONLY because There Are Zits/Acne on Their Face. Pronunciation : Qingshang Fangfeng Soup 👄👄👄 清上防風湯 防風 連翹 白芷 桔梗 黃芩 川芎 黃連 荊芥 梔子 枳殼 薄荷 甘草 [Preparation method and dosage] windproof Forsythia Angelica dahurica Platycodon skullcap Chuanxiong Coptis chinensis Nepeta Gardenia Citrus aurantium Mint Licorice Indications: Disperse heat, detoxify and detoxify. Clear away the scorched fire, treat the head and face, and treat sores, boils, and wind-heat poison. Used for boils, boils, and facial <acne> on the head and face Case number one : My friend’s daughter was a college beauty Many male college students pursued One day acne emerged on her face . Using lemon to deal with zits so caused face skin severe inflammation Her Whole face red and swollen. M iserable ! Case number two : My friend’s son has a good academic background He has good abilities, but after making date w...