Natural Soup Therapy Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Lovelorn ( Gan Mai Da Zao )
Gan Mai Da Zao Soup 😂😍💪💪 : This simple recipe is a natural medicine soup very helpful to those who are suffering from depression, insomnia, anxiety,😓 lovelorn, spiritual pain,😢😢😨 autonomic nervous system disorder. a bit natural sweetness drink smoothly ~ NICE Materials : 10g Licorice 10g Red Jujube ( Cut open by knife before cooking ) 20g Wheat Ratio = 1 : 1: 2 It is easy to buy these at Herb Medicine Shop Thoroughly clean above dried materials 3 times. ------------------- Water : Filtered clean water 4 rice bowls soak cleaned materials 15~20 minutes for convenience cooking. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...